Natural cleaning product and brushes

All-natural Alternative To PineSol

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.You’ll love the fresh smell…

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

You’ll love the fresh smell of pine in this all natural cleaner without worrying about harsh chemicals.

We have been making cleaning supplies and soap for years now, just for fun, to be frugal and to be conscious of the chemicals we are using in our home.

Natural cleaning product and brushes

This DIY natural Pine-Sol alternative provides a pine-fresh scent without the harsh chemicals found in the commercial product. It’s effective for cleaning and deodorizing various surfaces in your home.

I love the way this smells and I love that it is so incredibly easy and CHEAP to make. I can have all-purpose cleaner in minutes. I buy all-purpose cleaner from Azure Standard in large quantities and it is basically the same thing with the exception that their cleaner has baking soda. I just love the pine scent of this though and pine just says freshly mopped floors to me. Nostalgia I guess.

So here it is:


  1. 2 cups white vinegar
  2. 2 cups water
  3. 20-30 drops of pine essential oil

Vinegar and essential oil on a counter


  1. In a large container, mix the white vinegar and water. This mixture will serve as the base of your natural Pine-Sol substitute.
  2. Gradually add 20-30 drops of pine essential oil to the vinegar and water mixture. The number of drops may vary depending on your preference for the strength of the pine scent. Start with fewer drops and adjust as needed.
  3. Stir the mixture well to combine the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Transfer your homemade natural Pine-Sol into a labeled bottle or container.
  5. To use, dilute this solution with water as needed (usually a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio of Pine-Sol mixture to water) and use it to clean floors, countertops, and other surfaces.

There’s my homesteading, homemaking tip for the day. Happy cleaning. 🙂


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