Three Simple Habits to Be a Better Homemaker

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We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Easy things you can do each day to be a more productive homemaker.

C.S. Lewis is quoted as saying, “The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career. ” Homemaker is not really a title I thought I’d ever relish. As each day passes though, I am drawn more and more to this vocation of motherhood and being a good wife, and being a good homemaker. I will say up until now I have not been very good at the latter. I love my boys and my husband and try really hard to be good at those two things, but the homemaking part was lacking at times. If I’m being perfectly honest I have a long way to go before my house is a haven. I am a work in progress. in the process though, I have found three simple daily fixes that make ME a better, more productive homemaker.

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career. ”

-C.S. Lewis

Wake Up Early. This is key for me to start out on the right foot. Not only that, but it gives me quiet time to myself and helps me get my head in the game for the rest of the day. Coffee is a big help in getting me motivated and waking me up. Time to myself allows me to drink a cup of coffee without having to reheat it. However, it is not the only thing that this time is for. I usually wake up at least an hour before I wake my kids up. I try to spend that time getting my cup of coffee, reading the Bible, in prayer, catching up on whatever book I am reading and getting myself dressed.

Which brings me to the second easy habit to form that helps me to be a better, more productive homemaker.

2. Get Dressed. I cannot tell you how easy and tempting it is to roll out of bed and stay in pajamas all day long. I did it for nearly a year and a half here on the farm. I wasn’t going anywhere. Why should I get dressed if no one would see me? Well, people did see me. My kids saw me rolling out of bed and not getting dressed and then getting them dressed became a fight each morning. My husband saw me in the same pajamas I was in when he left for work and it started to cause resentment because he had to get up early and go into work. Nothing good comes from staying in pajamas all day long, every day (nothing wrong with doing that every now and then with the family, it can be quite refreshing actually). Motivation goes to zero in no time.

Getting dressed each morning prepares me for my day at work. My job is a homemaker and it consists of running a home, which I hope will be a haven for my husband and kids. I don’t have to get fancy (although I love the idea of him coming home to me in a dress with perfectly curled hair … never happens) I just need to be dressed in actual clothes.

tired woman doing laundry and excited woman doing laundry and other housework
computer with notebook,smartphone and coffee

3. Don’t Check Your Phone When You First Wake. I heard on the radio that something like 70% of people reported that they check their phones first thing in the morning. I must admit, I certainly would fall into that 70% had they asked me. The announcement said people who checked their phones first thing tended to be in grumpy moods. Since I heard that, I have consciously tried to skip checking my phone, emails, or texts first thing in the morning. I get myself ready, get my kids ready and then dive into all that.


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Do you use your phone as an alarm? Try an old-fashioned alarm clock, or if you’re like me and can’t take the ticking try a digital one.

You are sure to notice a difference in your productivity if you make these three things a habit. These are just three of many small habits you can change now to be a better, more productive homemaker.

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